Five Things You Need to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee Every Single Time

cup of coffee with cookies

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. People from all walks of life and cultures have their own way of making coffee. But no matter how you make it, there are some essentials that you need to have to make a perfect cup every single time.

Of course, this is different from one person to another. Some people have a much stronger preference for coffee than others. In that case, the perfect cup of coffee will contain more caffeine and taste stronger. This same analogy goes for those who prefer less or no caffeine in their drink; they’ll go for a weaker tasting drink instead.

The beauty of drinking coffee lies in its ability to give anyone, from early-risers to night-owls, the energy they need to get through their day. Some even drink coffee to simply relax after a long day of work or school. If you have been struggling with your coffee brewing skills or just want some new ideas on how to do it better, here are the five most important things you’ll need to make a great cup of coffee:


It’s simply impossible to make coffee without beans. If you use store-bought pre-ground coffee, don’t expect it to taste like that fresh bag of whole beans that you grind yourself—even with espresso! This is because the longer your ground beans sit and brew, the stronger and more bitter your coffee will become.

Many people may say that they like their coffee strong and bold, but the truth is that they just aren’t used to drinking their coffee as fresh as possible. So if you’ve been buying your beans from a local supermarket or grocery store, try switching to a whole-bean purchasing service instead.


The second key factor to making coffee is the water. A good rule of thumb with water is to let it sit out for about half an hour before brewing your cup of Joe. Unless the tap water in your area has some sort of funny taste (it does happen) or heavy chemical smell (which also happens), then choose cold tap over bottled or filtered water.

Doing so can get rid of any unpleasant flavors such as chlorine and minerals. Tap water, if not filtered properly, can also get rid of essential minerals like calcium that are important for your body’s nerve and muscle function. This means that the coffee you drink might not taste good because of the off-flavors in the water.


coffee grinder

The third most important thing is the grinder, with particle size being crucial for getting the right flavor extraction from whole beans without resulting in “bitter” coffee by over-extraction. A good grinder that yields uniform ground beans is a must for making great coffee.

Use a very fine grind if you’re using an espresso machine or French press, and choose something slightly coarser than that for drip coffeemakers. This way, the water will have a larger surface area to extract from the beans, and it won’t just flow through them without really picking anything up.


The fourth most important thing is the equipment. First, you need a preferred brewing method. The three most common methods are drip, espresso, and French press. Each has a distinct taste that can be enhanced if the proper tools are used to make it.

For example, the way the water flows over the beans during the French press process creates the deep, rich flavor that the typical breakfast coffee is known for. However, if you don’t have the right equipment, the result might be too strong or bland. The same goes for drip and espresso brewing, so choose the method that best suits your tastes and then find the right equipment to use for it.

But if you prefer cold brewing, you can also use equipment such as the 600 mL cold brew pot by Hario to make enough coffee to last the day. This way, you can have your iced coffee made with cold water and it will taste almost exactly as if you had brewed it hot.


The last thing you need to make the perfect cup of coffee is the temperature. Many people believe that the brewing process should be as hot as possible because it extracts the most flavor from the beans. However, this isn’t true. The best temperature is around 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

By heating your water to a lower temperature, you’re allowing the coffee to release its full flavor without getting burned by the heat of the liquid itself. So, if you can manage to brew it at this level of heat, then you’re most likely going to end up with a much better-tasting cup of coffee.

As with most things in life, making the perfect cup of coffee takes time and patience. You might not end up getting it right on your first try, but by following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the best cup of coffee out there.

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